On Friday 2nd October, Yanwath Primary School will officially unveil their brand-new ultra-energy-efficient, eco-classroom. This net zero energy building will have a minus EPC Rating, as the building will generate more energy than it consumes mostly thanks to its solar PV roof.
Its construction used modern materials and techniques, and this coupled with its full roof solar array will almost certainly ensure that it’s the most energy efficient school building in the whole of North West England.
The brand new building for Yanwath Primary school will generate clean energy AND some revenue for the school by producing electricity from solar PVs that can be sold back to the grid. Designed and built by Net Zero Buildings, this new classroom is said to be the most energy efficient school building in NW England
Headteacher of Yanwath Primary School, June Venus, said “The staff, governors and pupils are looking forward to officially opening their new Reception classroom. Amongst those attending will be local companies who have not only helped to raise funds for the project but have seen the importance of the eco-friendly design of the project. Net Zero Buildings’ innovative technology fitted in with our school ethos perfectly. Not only has it provided us with an energy-saving option, it has fitted into our rural location and helped us to further flourish as a growing school. The designers of the building made each step of the process painless, helping with funding options through to working with local builders and school staff. “
The school’s focus on enterprise and the development of life and learning skills has underpinned its expansion and the development of our Early Years provision has been made possible by our new Schoolhaus building.
All that remains is for our competition-winning pupil to cut the ribbon and to say thank you to all those in our community who have helped and supported us.”
Caroline Lucas MP, for the Green Party, who officially opened a new Schoolhaus classroom at Varndean School in Brighton said, “To me, Schoolhaus ticks every possible box: environmental, educational, financial. It is at the forefront of environmental technology in schools.”
Commercial Director of Net Zero Buildings, Neil Gething, said “We are immensely proud of Schoolhaus and the benefits they deliver on behalf of our clients. This summer our school projects included our first two-storey building and a new library. We have also embarked on our first venture away from schools with a new sports pavilion for the Hertford Cricket and Hockey Club which shows the versatility of our design.”