The construction of three new Waterside Lodges at Center Parcs Elveden Forest is an ambitious architectural and engineering project. The stunning new lodges have been designed to compliment the woodland landscape in which they sit, while connecting guests with the surrounding natural environment. Wood was a natural choice of building
Tag: Natural building
Don’t miss the big Straw bale gathering
Make a date in your diary for Clayfest
Bauwer Insulated renders and plasters
Following major success with the product range in Central Europe, Bauwer Group has introduced its cost efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly insulated render and plaster system to the UK. Thanks to volcanic glasses called Perlite and Vermiculite, it is the most cost-effective solution to insulate and level walls while improving
Simple, sustainable Cedar Barn
Cedar Barn is a traditional timber-framed family home located in Hanslope near Milton Keynes and is currently setting the benchmark for sustainability in conventional new-build housing. Developer and builder Deluxe Developers worked closely with project architect, Milton Keynes based 3d Architects, Cedar Barn has achieved Level 6 of the Code for