Expanded offering on Certified Thermal Details

Expanded offering on Certified Thermal Details

Sika Sarnafil has expanded its BRE Certified Thermal Details to ensure specifiers have the most comprehensive details available when choosing a roofing system.   With the continuing emphasis on sustainable buildings and an increasing need for data that can prove a building’s green credentials, Sarnafil has updated its suite of new

Kingspan insulation unveils U-Value calculator app

Kingspan insulation unveils U=Value calculator app

Kingspan Insulation is taking U-value calculations mobile with a free app for Apple, Android and Windows devices. The new application features over 6,000 calculations, all approved under the BBA/TIMSA competency scheme.   The intuitive interface will be familiar to anyone who’s used Kingspan’s popular online U-value Calculator (www.uvalue-calculator.co.uk). With just a few