Nine 1970s residential blocks in central Salford are being given a new lease of life with both the inside and out being revitalised, thanks to a major retrofit scheme which incorporates premium performance Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board in the over-cladding of external walls.
The £650 million ‘Creating a new Pendleton’ scheme, a partnership between Salford City Council and Pendleton Together (Together Housing), is well underway and will include the refurbishment of 1,253 dwellings along with new public spaces, roads and landscaping. The tired brick facades of the mid and high level apartment blocks are being replaced by modern aluminium rainscreen cladding with the first tower, the 12 storey ‘Whitebeam’, completed in July, soon to be followed by the 23 storey ‘Spruce’.
Michael Hyde and Associates were appointed by Keepmoat as architects for the existing residences. They specified 110mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board as part of a cladding system solution, which is being supplied and installed by supply chain partner Simco External Framing Solutions Ltd, who have employed 4 local apprentices as part of their commitment to the regeneration agenda.
The insulation holds the highest possible BRE Green Guide summary rating of A+ and with thermal conductivities as low as 0.020 W/m.K.
This helps to maintain internal space and should also help to minimise heating bills for the residents. The insulation boards are being fitted tightly to the original brick and block walls. The aluminium cladding is then being installed on Simco’s helping hand system with a 50 mm gap left to ventilate the rainscreen.
Fire performance was also a central design focus for the towers and fire barriers are being installed within the rainscreen at floor level on each storey. Kingspan Kooltherm K15 RainscreenBoard has been successfully tested, in accordance with the performance criteria set out in BR 135, in a range of insulation thicknesses and with a variety of cladding finishes. The boards were therefore accepted for use on the blocksstanding above 18 metres, in accordance with the Building Regulations.
Paul Chadwick from Michael Hyde and Architects commented:
“Our main concern when designing the refurbished towers was to create properties that the residents could be proud to live in and which enhanced their lives. The thermal performance provided by the Kingspan Insulation products will increase the energy performance of the homes whilst also being compliant with fire regulations above 18 metres.”
Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board was the first insulation board to hold LABC System Approval for use in rainscreen systems. This can help to fast-track the building control checking and approval process. Its fibre-free insulation core is manufactured with a blowing agent which has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP).
Bilfinger GVA advised on planning for theproject on behalf of Pendleton Together (Together Housing), with Latham Architects providing additional designs for 239 new residential properties.