Ecological Building Systems are pleased to confirm that the pro clima Intelligent Airtightness system, including the pro clima INTELLO PLUS intelligent airtightness and vapour control membrane, has met all the requirements set out by both the BBA (British Board of Agrément) and the NHBC. This compliments the existing Irish Agrément Certificate providing specifiers, installers and homeowners with unsurpassed reassurance.
BBA is the UK’s major authority, offering approval and inspection services to manufacturers, installers, construction products and systems. BBA certification is only awarded after systems or products have successfully passed a broad assessment involving laboratory testing, on-site evaluations and production inspections.
Niall Crosson, Senior Engineer with Ecological Building Systems comments: “Receiving BBA certification for the pro clima Intelligent Airtightness system reinforces the unsurpassed standards set by pro clima in the manufacture and delivery of durable airtightness solutions which are fit for purpose and last the lifetime of the building. pro clima have already received independent tests to confirm an expected lifespan for their tapes of at least 100 years. pro clima are pioneers not only in delivering Intelligent airtight solutions, but combining this with optimum protection against condensation and mould growth by utilising Intelligent membrane technology. Receiving BBA certification provides specifiers, engineers and homeowners with even more reassurance that the pro clima Intelligent Airtightness system will assist in delivering a robust & durable airtight result.”
Attaining NHBC acceptance for the use of INTELLO PLUS will also prove most beneficial to homeowners, designers, timer frame manufacturers and installers.
During the assessment process pro clima INTELLO PLUS was evaluated in a range of constructions where INTELLO’s unique INTELLIGENT vapour control properties provide unsurpassed safety against condensation. This included unventilated flat roofs. The advanced hygrothermal simulation programme, WUFI, was used to carry out assessments in accordance with BS EN 15026, based on British & Irish climate data.
In the development of the BBA certificate it became clear that there is still confusion on the market in relation to airtightness and its relationship with vapour control, indoor air quality and building durability. To assist in addressing this, Ecological Building Systems in conjunction with the BBA will be hosting a series of information briefings throughout the UK early next year. More details will be available on our website later this year.
More information regarding the pro clima Intelligent Airtightness system can be found on www.ecologicalbuildingsystems.com