Over the next few years, robots are going to become an integral part of the construction workforce. Although they’ve already been introduced to many workers, they are set to completely re-shape the industry as we know it. The days of men and women going around measuring up are a thing of the past and being replaced with drones and other technological advances that are carrying out the same job but much more efficiently.
Here we look at some of the robot technology that we might expect to see on our local construction sites sometime soon….
Already proven to be a firm favourite with the construction industry is the use of drones. They have the capability to see the entire site from a bird’s-eye view, allowing it to monitor the progress of the development, and to assist with reports and updates when required. It’s great for managers to see what their employees are working on, and if they may be required somewhere else that might need more attention. They work at a much faster pace than any human can, and there’s no chance that human error might affect details that are collected.
3D Printers
Drones can transfer important information over to 3D printers and allow them to create a 3D replica. They might be able to show exactly how a build will look once it’s finished or showcase where a development is up to. For years, there’s been a lot of focus on them being used to design and create houses through a printer and although there might be the capability of doing this in the future, it’s not happening right now. Instead, they are used to help with the maintenance of the building, whether that’s fabricating products such as concrete components. Because of this, construction sites can create their own materials allowing them to save money from buying them, and work in a much quicker pace as they won’t have to wait for deliveries or stock. This over time will allow workers to create more buildings and home faster than ever before!
Robotic Bulldozers
Due to a shortage of workers, countries such as Japan have already turned to using robotics including robotic bulldozers to carry out their construction work. At the moment, these are being guided by drones and can monitor materials usage, and whatever else is needed. These only require a couple of workers to control to make sure everything runs OK, rather than relying on workers that are in short supply. In the future this could replace the need for manual workers to carry out these roles around the world.
What are the benefits of robotics in construction?
To investors and to business, the benefits of working with robotics are endless. Not only are they able to carry out work more efficiently than humans, they can work continuously through both the day and night meaning productivity levels will be more predictable, not to mention the benefits in health and safety where traditionally, site construction is a high risk career. Using robotics means there will be less need for human jobs and businesses will make savings on paying salaries, breaks, holidays or sick pay for staff!
What does it mean for future workers?
Although there are concerns that robotics may lead to a huge increase in job losses, this might not be the case. Humans are still required to man the robotics, and programme them to carry out tasks that need undertaking. Being so technologically advanced it is also a great opportunity to attract a new generation of construction industry workers. They’ll require studies around robotics, and how new technologies work. Current workers will also require this, which is great for increasing the overall construction knowledge.
This article was produced by Hannah Pennell, a content marketer for Kimberly Access.