Armstrong Ceilings’ video showcases recycling benefits

Armstrong ceilings - cradle to cradle

The value that Armstrong Ceiling Solutions’ pioneering recycling schemes deliver as savings to the environment and investment is given in a new green video from the company. The two-minute video showcases the numerous benefits for specifiers, contractors and installers in signing up to Armstrong’s peerless green philosophy which is: ‘to leave as small a footprint as possible through its commitment to employing energy savings, sustainable water management, waste reduction and more greenery for a healthy working and living environment.’


Armstrong already helps specifiers and contractors estimate the potential benefits of recycling through an environmental impact calculator on its website. It has also helped contractors reap the rewards of going green by forming a network of green Omegas – installers with specific expertise in recycling schemes.


This new video explains how the company’s recycling programmes for demolition, construction and renovation schemes have saved 15 million m2 of old ceiling tiles globally and diverted 61,000 tonnes of waste from landfill. And with 2,000m2 of recycled ceiling tiles equating to 7.6 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill, that is a 14,000 kWh saving on energy.


Old ceiling tiles, from those that have reached the end of their life to new tile off-cuts, are upcycled into new ceiling tiles, with at least 42% of these manufactured from recycled product.


Armstrong’s Perla and Ultima+ ranges are fully recyclable and Cradle to Cradle® certified, and along with the Cradle to Cradle®-certified Prelude suspension system, offer a complete Cradle to Cradle® certified ceiling solution. Armstrong was the first mineral ceiling tile manufacturer in Europe to win Cradle to Cradle® certification.


In addition, Armstrong does not charge contractors for its recycling schemes, nor does it specify minimum quantities, and more recently, it recycles all mineral tiles, not just its own.


For more information, contact: or go to: Armstrong Ceiling Solutions



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